Word of the day: Trowell's, soggy chips and soggy feet.
Find of the day: A second small skeleton. Either a cat or Dog. (Pictured Below before it was excavated)
Nat and Becky were finishing off their site plans today. Here they are taking a last few measurements for their overlay.
For site plans to be as accurate as possible students have to measure every single stone in a wall. Ben is doing just that.
Likes: Cars, video games, computers, and bike riding.
Dislikes: Ignorant people, touching without purpose, unexpected hugging and fake people.
Ideal Dinner Party Guests: Audrey Hepburn, Beethoven, Laurence Olivier, and E.A. Budge.
Favourite Movie: Rebecca by Alfred Hithcock.
If I could be involved in any archaeological excavation, I'd like to excavate: The World Trade Centre.
Holy hell that spade looks just like me!